Saturday, 1 September 2012

Definition of Insanity......

Some people define insanity as the act of repeating the same actions with the expectation of a different result.   I have  new definitions of insanity:

  1.  Embarking on a bedroom painting project while we are recovering from the flu...........or
  2. Embarking on a bedroom painting project (or any home reno's for that matter), when you are in the midst of trying to be more serious about DD ..............or
  3. BOTH
We didn't decide to paint the room while we were sick, we had intended on doing it  this long weekend for several weeks now.  Last month  our 4 yr old started waking up screaming in the night and insisting he be moved into "blue room", aka the spare room, and that someone stay with him.  After weeks of interrupted sleep, he finally told his father that he was afraid of his room and it was too dark.   Something  you need to know about our son's room......its painted red.  And I don't mean a nice cherry, cheery red, Christmas red or M & M red.  No its RED as in RED that my girlfriend created a REDRUM sign for it when we moved in (complete with dripping bloody red font).   I recalled that on our first walkthrough of the house I told Tom, wow, if I had to sleep in that room Id have nightmares!  

Now before you think I'm evil, I didnt then turn around 3 mos later and put our sweet baby in that room.  He started in the smaller "blue room".  But Redrum was bigger, and as he got older and into a big boy bed we moved him to the bigger room.  For 1.5 yrs the color was not an issue. Now, apparently it is and I have to say I can't blame the boy.  Especially when the morning or late afternoon/early evening sun comes through the beige curtains.  Somehow it has the effect of casting an almost orange glow in the room, complete with odd shadows.  nope, don't blame the kid at all!  But I digress...............

It's a widely agreed upon theory that it is virtually impossible for spouses to tackle any sort of home reno project without arguments or at the very least getting snappy with each other.  No problem! I thought, with this new magical DD thing we are doing I wont be tempted to get snappy at all!  (especially after what I'm considering to be my first REAL DD spanking having taken place only 2 nights ago).  I failed to factor in that 
  1.  my patience is thin because I really still don't feel well!  Yes, I'm up and functioning for the first time in a week but I am not OK
  2. Tom's patience is thin because he still doesn't feel well.  Yes, he's up and functioning for the first time in a week but he is still  not OK
  3. Tom would instantly turn cranky and short tempered the minute we started to get the room cleaned out, pictures down, walls taped etc
At first I tried to just keep everyone getting along.  Unfortunately the small one, is oblivious to the moods of his parents and was so excited and wanting to "help" that he continually forgot to listen to anything we said or told him to do; and Tom's shortened fuse ran out pretty quick.

Long story short, I tried to keep things happy, Tom kept snapping.  It was inevitable that I would start to snap back, maybe I wasn't as respectful as I could have been when telling him he was cutting the corners wrong....and placing the ladder wrong..................later we seemed to be in a better place.  The small one was obeying the directive to stay out of the room and was quietly playing in the hallway, we were "happily" priming the walls.   Suddenly Tom asked "Your butt still sore",  I kind of laughed and said "a little, I can still feel it".   He was quiet for a minute, and then  "Well let me know when it stops hurting and I'll remind it again............."  DOH   I figured the stress of painting would have given me a "by".  Guess I'll just be happy he wants to wait till I recover from the last one..........

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